Saturday, November 9, 2024

 I joined the Green party over 30 years ago because I saw the unavoidable consequences of the way we run our economy. Destruction of nature and society for short term financial gain punish the vast majority of people everywhere. Climate disasters and war are the direct result of business as usual being continued beyond the point of sustainability. We in the west have gained greatly from industrialisation, but that can not go on. Resource wars have been fought for years already, Governments have known about this for decades and have invented reasons to go to war rather than negotiate for peace.  

Several of my pro peace, anti Netanyahu Tweets have been taken out of context by The Times, rehashed by other groups and then reported many times on the BBC. I have complained to the BBC - where I worked for over a decade, often on news programmes - and have not even had an automated reply. My party was pressurised by pragmatism to ask me to take them down. I couldn't even find them.

People say Greens are 'Left' leaning. I disagree and have said so since 1992 when I first stood for election. Greens stand for actions that protect the planet and every one and every thing on it. I love technology, I have been an engineer and lecturer for all my working life. I can see how appropriate use of technology can fix the mess it has created as it made us rich. We can have a high standard of living with new thinking, old ways simply don't work any more as everyone can see with rising prices, reduced social services, pandemics and 'one in  a hundred years' freak weather events happening everywhere all the time. Environmentalism is not left or right, it is essential. 

I am utterly shocked, upset and indeed frightened to see the twisting and outright negative inventions made by the 'right' - whatever party they claim to support, in aid of raising or protecting the market value of their particular interests. This is not left or right, it is greed, business as usual, ignorance of the limitations of planetary resources and the impact on people with no voice of using them indiscriminately. 

The Youtube, X and other coverage I have seen of Elon Musk's public meetings over the last few months have not shown me megalomania, greed, arrogance or any evidence of any of the charges made against him. I find it hard to watch Trump's speeches because he deliberately pushes my buttons, but, what I have seen tells me he is no angel, but, he has teamed up with Musk - a man who has done the most on the planet to protect it, so he can't be all that mad.

War makes money, peace is not news. Greens can change this.

Promoted by Melanie Collins on behalf of Simon Anthony (Green Party), both at PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ.

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